Melanoma Skin Cancer

skin cancer prevention- putting on sunscreen

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month.

There will be pictures included in this article, please be aware to not view them if you are sensitive to sensitive health photos). Also, LDS is not a health care provider or doctor. If you have serious questions or concerns please reach out to a professional healthcare provider. This Post Isn’t Meant To Scare Anyone But to Bring Awareness To Those who may Not Know How Important It Is To Know The Facts And Implement This Into Their Everyday Life. See Disclaimers for more information.

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Go With Your Gut

This is something most of us never think could happen to us. I know I was one of those people. Since my early adulthood, I have been very adamant about protecting my #skin from the sun. I knew others who had been diagnosed with melanoma and other skin cancers. But, in the first year to two years of #college… I started to use #tanning beds. Though I didn’t use them often I was in denial that even one time could put me at a higher risk for skin cancer. Not only that but according to The Skin Cancer Foundation, having a history of 5 or more sunburns can double your risk of #skin cancer.

Melanoma facts

The news

On April 27th, 2023 a month before my 24th birthday, I was diagnosed with a t1a melanoma tumor on my right calf muscle. Before that, I noticed what I thought was a mole on my right calf a year prior I had gone to a primary care doctor about 3 times. After I noticed it kept changing and even started to flake. According to UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, this can be a sign you may have a #melanoma tumor(see more facts here). Below is a picture of the mole around the first time I went to my PCP(left) and what it looked like just one year later(right).

melanoma mole
t1a tumor

Again, Go with Your Gut.

In my heart, I knew something wasn’t right and decided to book an appointment with a dermatologist. Unfortunately, all the dermatologists were booked for months. Shortly after my husband and I went to the neighbors for dinner. In conversation, she said that her family member was a COO of a dermatology office. She recommended I book an appointment there. After calling them the next day they were also looking to July. Open-minded to booking but then they had an opening four days away while on the phone. I said yes right away.

I went and they took the mole off and sent it for a biopsy… was told I would have my results in 2 weeks.

melanoma facts

At the age of 24 years old, you never expect to get the call that you have one of the deadliest skin cancers there are…melanoma. My heart sank to the floor as I listened to the doctor explain the next steps. At that moment I resonated with the book of Ecclesiastics. How meaningless everything was under the sun. The careers we chase, the moments with family we miss out on. It gave me perspective on what truly mattered to me. Thankfully, we caught the tumor early and it was just growing on the top layers of the skin.

facts for melanoma

While we may have found it early I went in for surgery to make sure we got it all. I am currently writing to you while incapable of moving for two weeks while my wound heals. While here, my mind can wander to the what-ifs and negative thought patterns. Which, not gonna lie has occurred.

Questions like …

If there is one mole can’t there be another?

Could the melanoma have already spread to my body?

What if I don’t get to live out my earthly dreams?

Would my husband be okay?

What are the chances of me not being able to enjoy the outdoors?

Why is this happening to me, God?

While I do not know of these answers right now I do know one thing. I want to be used for his glory, to spread his love to the world knowing that my body may fail me (See Psalm 91:1). Our earthly bodies may get attacked with sickness and diseases but our eternal life will be freed from it. My spirit is sealed with Christ, and because I know and accept Jesus. Like the song Holy Spirit Come by #Patrick #Mayberry I’m stepping into this chapter with a heart of worship, ready to see revival and a miracle.

Surely he will save you

from the fowler’s snare

and from the deadly pestilence.

He will cover you with his feathers,

and under his wings you will find refuge;

-Psalms 91:3-4

I pray that through this journey my focus on the hope and security I have with my spirit will lead me to live in worship and joy despite my circumstances. I pray that others who may not know the truth of who Jesus is and how much he loves will see his love shine through. Lastly, for others to know that our bodies are perishable but our spirit can have eternity with Jesus (see John 3:16).

There is a choice to be made, we can continuously live in fear or choose to live in joy and worship. I believe prayer is powerful and that God is not done yet.

I am writing to you today to read the facts and get a yearly check. A minor inconvenience rather than a life-threatening disease. I hope that this reaches those my age as well. Those who may think that it couldn’t happen to them.

Any questions or prayers feel free to leave them on my contact page or in the comments <3 thank you

Peace and Love

Devon scales

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